Mission / Vision

Conservation, protection, and sustained management of fisheries and aquatic resources

The implementation of the FOP will ensure that the conservation and management policies both of BFAR and WCPFC will be followed by the owners of purse seine and longline boats.

Poverty alleviation and provision of supplementary livelihood to fisherfolks

The compliance of commercial fishing boats to agreed laws/policies will alleviate the income of municipal fisherfolk (such as RA8550 Section 90.  Use of active gears in municipal waters, bays or other fishery management areas; Section 44 and 93. Regulation in the use of superlights in municipal waters and bays; and Section 89. Fine mesh net as further elaborated in Fishery Administrative Orders: FAO 223 and FAO 226).

Optimal utilization of offshore resources

Observers will be the primary source of data needed for the policy formulation specifically the implementation of conservation and management measures to be adopted by the country.

Jobs generation

The project will create jobs to the Filipino people as the trained observers are also qualified to board fishing boats flying the flags of CCMs in the WCPFC